Bern & Geneva Switzerland
After hiking down from Gimmewald, we hopped on the bus and went to Bern. We stayed on the temple grounds for the night, those sleeping conditions were not the best, but as always our group made the best out of our situation. That night we arrived in Bern, we were able to do temple work as a group. I love that we are able to go through different temples all around the world and the principles are all the same. It was a great experience to be able to do temple work with everyone in my group. Crazy side note, but as we were getting to the temple I saw a group of people leaving and one of the guys looked really familiar, the closer I got to him I realized it was one of my friends from college! It was so crazy how I ran into someone I knew in Switzerland..
After staying at Bern, we went to Geneva. Geneva was awesome. We were able to visit the Olympic Museum. Which I was super stoked about ever since we got the itinerary for our trip! I have an obsession with the Olympics, so I could not wait to see the history behind it all. I loved it all. There were videos that we were able to watch, and every single video gave me the chills. There were also replicas of every Olympic torch that has been carried, and it gave a description of why the torch was designed the way it was. You could say that I kind of like sports, so it was a blast going through and looking at how the Olympic games have evolved throughout the years. Oh and I touch a basketball signed by the USA Dream Team, even thought it said DO NOT TOUCH, I know I am a rebel. We spent hours in the museum and it was so amazing! I could have easily stayed longer.
After going to the museum, we went back to our hostel and there was a huge festival going on in Geneva, so we were able to explore the city. We also went to the United Nations headquarters with a group of girls. So, Switzerland was basically great. I loved it.
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