Madison Michelle

Madison Michelle

February 12, 2018

Save the Light Half Marathon!

For YEARS I have talked about wanting to do a half marathon. This year I finally decided to take action. I have been looking into the "Save the Light Half Marathon" for a couple of months. And finally when we got home from Christmas break and after me telling Brayden over and over that I am thinking about doing it, he just told me just sign up and do it. So I did it. I signed up! 

As soon as I signed up I realized I needed to get moving on the training since I would have just over 4 weeks to train. Throughout the week I would do my "short" runs and then on Saturdays would be my "long" runs. I went up by 2 miles every Saturday. Starting with 5 miles, then finishing at 11 miles with the following Saturday being the 13.1 mile run. Training actually was not as bad as I thought, a couple Saturday's I did not want to run and almost didn't do it, but I did and I am so glad I did!

The morning of the race was soooo cold. It was 30 degrees. Everyone was bundled up for the run, except for the few people in shorts and tank tops. They were the legit runners. They had fancy running sunglasses on and everything. Brayden and I got to the race about 40 minutes early and waited inside the nearby hotel. With about 15 minutes until the race we made our way out there and Brayden left to go to his basketball game. ...yes he had enough time to go back downtown play a whole game and then come back before i was done, that is how long I was running for.. ha! 

The run itself wasn't too bad! At the very beginning I realized I was running way ahead of my normal pace, so I had to make myself slow down a bit or I knew I would wear myself out way to fast. A little part of the course was on the sand, which was definitely not my favorite part, but once you hit the asphalt again you felt like you were flying. 

When I turned the corner for the last mile and could see the hotel where the finish line was, I couldn't wait to stop running. I finished the race and beat the goal I had for myself by 10 minutes! After I finished the race I had so much gatorade and water because I don't really like drinking while I run so I never took any of the water from the stations they had throughout the course. Then we headed home! We realized that we maybe should've stayed because they had some awards, but honestly I didn't think I would get one anyway. But I was looking at the finishing times the next day and I got 2nd in my Female age group! This race really wasn't that big so I am sure if I ran in a bigger one that wouldn't have happened, but it was still fun anyway! 

The rest of the day was spent lounging and then for dinner we enjoyed some burgers and nachos from Bohemian Bull. It was delicious! and just what I needed! 

I am so glad that I finally accomplished one of my goals that I have wanted to do forever. But I am even more glad that it is over! 

**Scroll down if you want to see THE most flattering pictures ever....haha!**

February 9, 2018

Charleston Winter Wonderland

Brayden and I came home from christmas break to a winter wonderland! All week they were predicting snow, but I never actually thought it was going to happen. The day after we got back Charleston was SHUT DOWN in preparation for the snow. I thought if anything it would be just a light dust of some snowflakes and it would move on. At first that's all it was. Brayden and I went outside really quick to see it and then went back into our apartment. About an hour later, I looked out the window again and saw huge snowflakes falling from the sky. There was so much snow! I was amazed. It was crazy. Never did I think we would have to deal with snow the four years we were out here, I was prepared for the humidity, heat, and hurricanes(which we have already had 2 scares in the 2 years we have been here), but I was not prepared for the snow! 

Once it stopped snowing we had to dig through our bins to find our winter clothes, because let's be real, we have not had to pull those clothes out once since we have been here. We got all bundled up and started exploring downtown Charleston. It was seriously so beautiful. I was in awe walking around all the streets downtown. It was seriously like we were walking in a movie. It was so calm and peaceful because no one dared to drive the roads. After seeing all the houses and streets covered in snow I wouldn't mind that happening every year! It was so pretty that we just kept wandering all over downtown. We realized that when we got back to our apartment we walked about 5 miles just exploring the charleston winter wonderland. We stopped at a nearby grocery store, which I was shocked it was even open, to see if they had any hot chocolate because that sounded like a perfect ending to this beautiful day! But of course, they were all sold out because everyone else had the same idea we did. So instead we made some warm, yummy soup and watched a movie! 

I love these little random days off I get to spend with Brayden. I don't get them very often, so when I do we try to take full advantage of it. 

February 8, 2018

Christmas in California!

this year we spent Christmas in California. it was such a nice vacation from school and work! we were lucky enough to have everyone home for at least a couple of days! while we were all together i couldn't stop thinking about how this would be our last time we would all be together for awhile since little logey will be leaving for his mission in a few months! ...but let's not talk about that. i dont want my mom (the only one who actually reads my blog) to start crying while she reads this. and plus i am not ready for that. at all. 

my mom and dad had so many fun things planned for this break. when we first got there, some of us were able to go to Kobe's jersey retirement game. it was such a blast! they had a "KobeLand" carnival set up outside the Staples Center with a ferris wheel, games, etc. we walked around for a bit before heading inside. throughout the whole game they were playing little tribute clips for Kobe and then the jersey retirement happened during half time of the game. the whole night was amazing, we were so lucky to be there. thank you mom and dad!

i always love christmas break, it is always filled with so much to do while being surrounded by the ones you love! if i talked about everything we did this break this post would be sooo long, so instead i will just post tons of pictures and give a brief recap. some of the highlights from this break were going to shogun for christmas eve dinner where rylee and tanner told us they were pregnant(!!!), seeing The Greatest Showman, Hamilton, Knott's Berry Farm, Kings game, going to the beach house, In-N-Out, and spending every day surrounded by family.

one of my favorite things this trip was going to see Hamilton! Opa and Oma gave us all tickets to go to the show together for Christmas. Hamilton was AMAZING! it definitely lived up to all the hype everyone, especially my mom(ha!), made it out to be. i am so glad we were able to go with Oma, it is definitely an experience i wont forget. Thank you so much Opa & Oma!! 

we were so sad when it came time to leave to come back to charleston... we loved being with family and not having any responsibilities! thank you mom and dad for another unforgettable break!!